Scans the Auction House and stores the current minimum buyout and average buyout for all auctionable items. Displays both prices on auctionable item tooltips. Only allows one scan per reload.
Price history can be opened by clicking on the little eyeball on AH items in the Auction House. There is no history compression yet, I'll try to have it ready soon but until then, you might not want to scan every hour :)
This addon does not take item stats into account, so if you're trying to use this for gear, please take the time to look up your items yourself.
This addon requires ToolTips and MarketplaceAuction, so if you're using an addon that replaces either of those, it just wont work. Sorry.
I made this addon because it seems like it doesn't exist yet, and no one seems to be developing one. So if I'm wrong and you're developing a similar addon that has real features, please contact me and either I can delete this or we can work together.
You can post below with features you'd like to see in the future.
Finally, self plug- if you're interested in playing the CX/AH or you want to craft things for profit, check out Flip.