This addon is no longer active.
I'm looking into merging the location feature with BetterGuildFrame.
This addon started with hiding the offline members, but Carbine has since implemented that feature in their game.
Currently it does:
- Change Class and Path names with icons
- Show the location of guildies (requirement: they have to have this addon installed as well)
- Upon first time use you will be prompted to enter your Main characters name and select a role
- Creates a uniform Guildnote based on those parameters
- Has a selection of 2 types of Class icons:
- Regular Class icons (coloured)
- Class icons based on the role set by the Guildnote (Tank, healer or DPS)
Open the window to select the type of icons used: /awain
Open the initial window to change your main's name or your role: /awain init
To do list:
- Add a way to track tradeskills
- Problem: Currently I have a way, but the Guildnote only permits the length of the note to be 32 characters.
- Possible fix: Use icons - will need icons for that so if you know your way around Photoshop or something, let me know
- Add autocomplete to main character textbox
- Add option to not edit Guildnote
- Do all sorts of crazy stuff
- ...
Known issues:
- Location not showing correctly.
- Fix for now: switch between tabs. This is due to the fact that you don't get an instant reply from every player's installation.
If you have a feature request or a bug, please let me know in a PM or in the comments.
Fun fact: The name Awain was suggested to me by a guildie (Dresdon @ Lightspire EU) and means "Addon Without An Interesting Name".