BucketList Info:
Use /bucket to open your BucketList.
Check off your items if you want to keep them on your list, use the red X to delete them forever.
BucketList allows you to make a list of things you want to do in the game, and check them off as you go. Want to down a world boss? Put it on your BucketList. Want hit level 50? Put. It. On. Your. BucketList.
Future Plans:
We hope to expand BucketList's functionality to allow you to download BucketLists from an online database, and you can challenge yourself to match your friends' personal achievements. We'd like to add tracking, so you can set objectives and goals for yourself so you can log them and track your progress. Or, set up a Guild Event, and have your guild members download the BucketList for the event. Of course, that will take time, but, for now, you can start working on your custom achievements today!
Optional Tools:
None at this time, but possible support in the future.
Updates (newest first):
- Added option to permanently delete items from your list (use the red "X" button)
- Initial release