CarbineCanNotUI Challenges

CarbineCanNotUI Challenges


CarbineCanNotUI Challenges


The Logo of CCNUIc

Is a challenge tracker for WildStar. It aims to improve the situation that we have with the current implementation of challenges in the ObjectiveTracker Addon, where we have no control on what challenges are displayed and if it has any relevance for the user. Also no more Codex opening to track the starting location.


Simply open up the window with /ccnuic,

The challenges in the list are sorted by distance, you can interact with the challenges by clicking on them. If you wish to update the challenge list you can press the reload button in top.

White/Grey text:

It will point you to the starting location. Gray means you've already did this challenge once

Green/Lime text:

You are in the starting area of the challenge, and it will be started, lime means you've already done this challenge once.

Ps: Currently there are no settings, but they are going to be included in the next releases




  • Fixed error where a zone load made the update routine do nothing.
  • Removed debug messages


  • Rebranded from Completer to CarbineCanNotUI-Challanges
  • Added a footer to show the count of completed and available challenges
  • Added color to distinguish between new and old challenges


Any idea or want to add some code feel free to do so via privat mail, comment or GitHub