ChatLinks highlights URLs in the chat log as clickable links.
Links will get detected when in the format of protocol://url or or as IP address. Once a link is detected, all subsequent characters up to the next whitespace will be included in the link.
- 123:123:123:123:9600
- [email protected]
By default, link detection is limited to the following chat message types / channels:
- Whisper
- AccountWhisper
- Society / Circles
- Party
- Instance
- GuildRecruit
- Guild
- GuildOfficer
- Advice
- WarParty
- WarPartyOfficer
- Say
- Custom channels
A configuration interface with options to enable or disable it per type/channel is accessable via ESC-Menu or by slash commands /cl or /chatlinks.
You can view an Url-History with the last 250 detected Urls via Interface-Menu "ChatLinks History" or by slash commands /clh or /cl history.
In addition to URLs, the addon also detects your characters name and optional aliases in a message and changes it to a link, which helps to recognize when someone mentions you. Clicking on this link will start a whisper to the message sender.
You can choose to get notified about a mention via floating text or by playing a sound.
ChatLinks is compatible with the following ChatLog (replacement) addons:
- ChatLog (default Carbine chat)
- ChatFixed*
- BetterChatLog*
- FixedChatLog*
- ImprovedChatLog*
- ChatAdvanced*
<small>*) Support implemented, but needs confirmation</small>
Other chat enhancement addons, which do not replace the default Carbine ChatLog addon have a high chance to also work with ChatLinks.
If you're using a not listed ChatLog replacement, please leave a comment with it's addon name or folder name and i may have a look if i can add support for it.
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