


This AddOn enhances the standard ChatLog to provide many features that players have come to expect, such as changing channel colors or fonts, quick re-whispering, "slash command" keybindings, and more.

Version 2.4 (Release)

  • Re-label channels as they appear in the ChatLog
    • e.g. rename [Super Awesome Guild of Win] to [Guild] or even [G],
    • e.g. change your [Circle of Awesome - c1] to [CoA - c1] or even [A - c1]
  • Fixes cross-realm account whisper issues
  • Updated for WildStar API v9
  • New save file format, sorry


Chat Colors, Font, and History

To change the settings of your chat channels, open your channel list by clicking the gear button on near the upper-left corner of your chat window. In the channel list, click the colored box next to the channel you'd like to adjust.

Key Bindings

Beginning in version 2.3, key bindings will be available in the Chat category of the standard /keybind interface. At present the only key binding is Open Chat Slash, which will focus to the chat input and pre-fill a slash.

Slash Commands

  • /cls - clear chat history and reload ui (to clear your chat log)
  • /clearhistory - clear chat history without reloading the ui

Feature Requests

Your feedback is what makes this AddOn better. Many of the features that can be found in the current version are the direct result from requests by the community. Keep the feedback flowing and add your ideas in the comments!

The following features have been requested in the comments below and are slated for inclusion in future versions of this AddOn:

  • Resizing the chat input so the font matches the channel
  • Class-coloring of names (not globally possible with current API, but maybe soon)
  • Save/load configuration profiles
  • Make enabled/disabled channels persist between sessions
  • URL / Link-Picker
  • ChatLog transparency (not whole window/interface, just the log part itself)

Credit Where Credit Is Due

Special thanks to the developers of whose AddOn I adapted and embedded into this one.