The add-on shows a chat message every time you gain points. This allows you to check the amount of points you've got for doing certain things. You can compare this to an in-game logging functionality I guess.
It also shows how many points you would have if you'd finish the dungeon in this instance calculating the points for the deathless challenge and the time you have left as well as how many points you'd get for each second left.
This allows to have a better idea on whether or not the run is going into gold, silver or bronze direction.
The last feature includes a tooltip which is triggered upon hovering over the progress bar of the DungeonMedal UI. This tooltip shows how many points you'd have and how much you're missing for the respective medal.
The add-on replaces the Wildstar DungeonMedals add-on.
As it updates every second to calculate the points per second it takes more resources as the Carbine add-on itself.