


Current version: 0.3


When you install the addon and start the game for the first time after that, the enabler config window pops up, as the "Enabler - Always show on reloadui" -feature is enabled. You can immediately uncheck the checkbox so it won't happen again, the config window is also accessible from the options menu ("Enabler") or by typing /enabler.

Enabling (or disabling) a feature is just as easy as ticking the checkbox, configuring any parameters (if the workaround has parameters, they are indicated by the visible Params-button on the right side of the container) and then pressing the "Save and reloadui"-button. Note: settings and parameters are only saved when that exact button is pressed, not by any other means of reloading the UI. They are saved on a per-character basis.

Parameters are inserted directly as-is into lua code without any checking, so any numbers with decimals need to have a dot and not a comma (so 0.8 would be correct, and 0,8 would probably cause an error). Likewise, false and true need to be written exactly like that, not True, truE, False or any other variants.

Currently Enabler has the following features/workarounds

  • CRB:ObjectiveTracker - Register ObjectiveTracker in Window Management
  • CRB:ObjectiveTracker - Resize window
  • CRB:ObjectiveTracker - Hide in combat
  • CRB:QuestTracker - Remove Episode names
  • CRB:QuestTracker - "Fix" quest tracking
  • CRB:QuestTracker - Show contracts
  • CRB:Shop button - Disable glow and pulse
  • CRB:ToolTips - Disable mouseover unit tooltips
  • OptiPlates - Always show on reloadui
  • Enabler - Always show on reloadui


Technically, Enabler is an addon that allows executing lua code (modifications to existing addons for example) automatically when the game loads without having to add extra files or macros (yo dawg, I put an addon in your addon etc etc). It also has a rudimentary UI for enabling or disabling different workarounds and modifying parameters.

The idea is that if there's a problem with an existing addon, or a desire for simple extra functionality (during testing I want a specific window to open on every /reloadui, for example), it can be added by simply adding the code and some metadata into Enabler. Ultimately I may implement the possibility to add and even share lua code via the in-game UI and Wildstar's built-in ICComm.

Additionally, it has optional version checking, since Wildstar provides the last modified -times of addon files. This means that even if a file is updated as a part of smaller patch, Enabler disables any workaround related to that addon to avoid errors. Workarounds can also be set to run always, or only when that particular addon is loaded.

Adding a new setting

Adding a new setting is done with the blue "+" button in the upper right corner. The only mandatory field is the setting name, and that is used for saving any parameters and such. So, if you rename one of your custom settings, any saved parameters with it will be lost. The default settings are not editable.

If you wish to apply the setting to only a specific addon, the addon name must be written exactly as you would for an Apollo.GetAddon() call. If you want to include version checking, I recommend using the "Use current version"-button, that automatically gets it if the addon name is typed correctly.

Editing an existing custom setting can be done by pressing on the details button and then the Edit button at the bottom of the details window.

Params work by running the lua code through a string.format() function with the params as the parameters, in the order determined by the Param order -field, starting from 1, so the first param gets inserted to the first %s, the second to the second %s and so on. There's no type checking done, so all parameters are in string format. It is recommended that they be referenced by %s and not by any other string.format() -compatible directives.