

-- Version 0.5a --
- Changelog
1. Changed a lot of code, this should help reduce errors with features such as Pending messages not clearing
2. Fixed chat scrolling, now when you receive a message the chatlog will scroll down untill then end
3. Added Friends Button to Main UI
4. New Option: Keep Focus
5. New action avaliable: Add account Friend

Option "Keep Focus" : The chat box remains in focus when a message has been sent.


  1. Item linking
  2. QuickIM for Guild Members

** Note from the Developer **
This is still a development version addon: there will be crashes there will be errors. And now the code has
 been cleaned up to a standard i can work with again, The bugs should be squashed with great fervour.

I am looking into item linking, but it is quite complicated, so just hang in there :)
As usualy Curse for any requests / Bugs or my GITHub

Messages pending do not clear for some reasons at the moment, i am looking into this, but i have chosen to release this because of the QoL improvements it brings. As always, please report bugs on Curse, but please ... please dont just say "X Feature doesn't work" tell me under what circumstances, bugs are easier and quicker to fix if i can reproduce them.