


A lightweight masterloot addon which does a few things:

  • Automatically randoms uninteresting loot
    • White to blue
    • Item level <= 55
    • NOT
      • Eldan Runic Modules
      • Biophage Clusters
      • Archivos patterns
      • Eldan Signs
      • Mount Flair
      • Warplot tokens (Go go gadget Avatus!)
      • Decor and Improvement (Some people asked...)
  • Provides a means to automatically give certain items to designated looters
    • Currently no first class support. If you're privy to LUA, you may modify the corresponding table in the source code
  • Allows for a white list of always-randomed items (For example, you may always want Primal Patterns to be given out)
    • Currently no first class support. If you're privy to LUA, you may modify the corresponding table in the source code

A UI is in the works, but everything is currently hard-coded but easily modifiable for those adventurous enough.