fLex Fashion

fLex Fashion



fLex Fashion allows you to search Wildstar's entire database of items, preview and dye them.  Custom sets can be saved so you can keep track of what pieces and dyes you want.


  • Added Kel Havik Blue dye!
  • Updated API version number


  • Open the addon using the interface menu located in the bottom left corner of your screen.  You may also pin this addon to your interface quick bar using the pin icon on the right.
  • Use the menu on the top left to specify your item search parameters.  Filters are exclusive.  If you do not have at least one armor type and armor slot or at least one weapon type selected, your search will return nothing.
  • Left click on items in the scroll list on the bottom left to add them to your character preview.  Right click to link an item in the scroll list to chat.
  • You may save your currently displayed set by clicking the save button in the bottom right menu, and assigning a name other than 'None'.
  • Link a previewed item to chat by left clicking.  Remove a previewed item by right clicking.
  • To view or continue editing a previously saved set, use the drop down at the top of the character preview menu.
  • Sets may be deleted by clicking the red X on the left of the set selection box while the set you wish to delete is active.
  • All other controls work similarly to Wildstar's default Holo-Wardrobe.