FrostMod ThreatBall

FrostMod ThreatBall



Sometimes you want a massive grid with detailed information for analytic purposes. Sometimes, you just want to clean up and show only what you care about. This addon is for those in the second group.

FrostMod Threat Ball adds a simplistic threat percent display to the game with a circular threat bar that fits in with the game's theme.

Use /fmtb or click FrostMod Threatball from the escape menu sidebar to launch the config panel and customize your threat ball. Everything from thresholds to size and color can be found in here. While the panel is open, you can move and preview your threat ball.


  1. Normal Threat Percent
  2. High Threat Percent
  3. Currently Tanking (Percent Ahead)
  4. Target Taunted

Or Maybe you want to get funky and design your own layout and colors? Who am I to judge.