This will not work in Group Finder groups at this time. I will go back to my original design concept and rebuild this addon to work in instance groups using chat commands, instead of borrowing the raid ready check. That will make it work for instance groups as well. Sorry I didn't catch that dungeon finder groups were blocked from using the ready check function.
Tired of running in to a fight and you're the only one there? In raids, you have a ready check tool. "But, what about parties," you ask (because most people spend more time in parties than in raids). Well, now you can have ready checks in parties, too. Hooray!
Use /rc to place the ReadyCheck button in your window. Click the green button when you want to initiate a ready check. The popup list will show you who's ready and who's not.
Updates: (newest first)
- Updated to newest file instead of old (/doh)
- Major Upgrades to functionality, interface, and data feedback to the user.
Coming features:
- Ability to whisper players who are not ready
- Count of ready players
- Auto-close of the ready report when all players are accounted for.
Known Issues:
- The party chat report is not correct, as this addon is built on Carbine's default Raid ReadyCheck function, which does not assess ready status when in a party. Attempts will be made to suppress this message in the future.