


A compilation of various hacks/fixes. Use /ahacks or /ahax to bring up the list which allows you to enable/disable each of them.

Currently includes:

  • Frame Count Deprecation
    • Fixes addons that use the VarChange_FrameCount event
  • Fourth Contract
    • Allows four accepted contracts to be shown on the contract board
  • Hide Trackers
    • Hides all but the Public Event Tracker in combat
  • AH Go to Page
    • Adds a way to go to a specific page in the AH search results

Report any issues or request new features here:


P.S. It was brought to my attention that the word hacks may have a negative connotation, but I'm too lazy to change it all throughout the code so I'll just paste the definition from Google that matches how I'm using the word in this case:

  • a piece of computer code providing a quick or inelegant solution to a particular problem