What is Healie?
- Healie is a Target Assistant for Healer's which allows them to press a customize-able (Defaulted to V, Don't worry though, it does not overwrite keybinds by carbine) to target the Lowest HP Party member within range.
-Added Range Check - It will only target the Lowest HP (Who is not dead) within 40m Range of you, You can set a custom range from 1 - 40m by going into the options!
- [3.2a/b] Fixed an issue which was causing /healieopts and the "Options" button from the /healie window to throw an error if executed in a certain order. Healie should now remember your keybind through reloadui etc, if you find any error's with this ( Note: Shift , Ctrl, A-Z and 1-9 are currently the only available key's to bind until i do some more testing) please let me know here!
- [3.2] Clarified the Target Macro's . /healietot - Target's Current Target -| /healietotot - Targets Current Target's Target | /healiefocus - Target's your /focus target.
- [3.1] Added in 3 new target macro's to allow you to select your Target's Target, Targets Target's Target(heh) and your Focus Target!
- [2.9] Fixed lua errors introduced in 2.8, added 5m range to the selection slider.
- [2.8] Saving OPTIONS from session to session is finally here!
- [2.7] Updated to API 9.
- [2.6] Added ability to select your own custom range from 1 - 35
- [2.6] Minor Graphical Improvements
- [2.6] Added /healieopts to go directly to the options.
- [2.6] Added options select button from typing /healie !
- [2.6] Minor Improvements to targeting Logic.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [2.5] Added ability to select your own keybind by typing /healie (Make sure you click set!)
- [2.5] Default Keybind set to V (Same as Vacuum Loot), Does not Overwrite, you will just hit loot more :D
Known Issues
- Targeting does not check LoS. [ Will be working on this soon! ]
Future Updates
- Ability to blacklist players from being targeted
- [Ongoing] Graphical Update
- [Ongoing] Improved Targeting Logic