Let's gamble

Let's gamble


Simple Chat gamble-game. You can play in 5 different Modes: Closest 50, Lowest, Highest, Wild, Hidden.

You can start a round by opening the Menu with /gamble 

or do a quickstart with : /gambe "Mode" "Amount you want to bet"

if no bet amount is found, it will start the round with 1 Platin as bet (e.g. /gambe 50 --Starts a new round of Closest to 50 with 1 Platin bet)


/gamble (50/low/high/wild/hidden) (1-100000)

/gamble 50 

Modes explained: 

Clostest 50 = "The closest player to 50 wins",

Highest      = "The player withe the lowest roll wins",

Lowest       = "The player withe the highest roll wins",

Wild            = "The player closest to a random number wins",

Hidden         = "The lucky number will be displayed after everyone had rolled"