This add-on was designed as a replacement combat text display.
Minor configuration is available via ConfigWindow add-on package that is included. Type /nct to access.
I have little to no time to provide updates or changes; this is one of the reasons that has prevented me from releasing this publicly in the past. One of the other reasons is that the add-on does not hold up to my standards and goals.
Description of customization options:
Type - Drop Down that distinguishes what type of display you're modifying.
Show - Shows/hides the current type.
Merge Texts - Toggle for adding the totals of skills together based off the delay. (Certain abilities in Wildstar are not actually considered the same spell.)
Delay - Edits the time in seconds before it ceases merging texts. ~Default is .1.
Container - Change this to any integer value other than 0 and it should create a static container with that number to move via /nctdndon and /nctdndoff. Design was intended to provide the user with attachable/static containers based on perspective.)
Style - Static style options that change the start and end points of the text. Design improvement would be to provide user total control and importability of other desired formats.
Shorten Numbers - Reduces numerics to short forms.
Spell Names - Shows skill names.
Text Color - Changes text color for sub-type of type. Use color sliders and define the color before you click the hexagon.
Font Type - Drop down list of all default font types.
There's an unintelligent queue system that prevents texts from overlapping.