


This add-on automatically rolls need/greed on item drops you specify in the Settings menu (/needy or in the ESC-Menu).

This is a fork of

I forked it because the original addon seems not to be maintained anymore. The fork fixes all known bugs of the original and will be enhanced in future. If you need a feature or find a bug let me know in the comments.

If you like this Addon please send Bennet Pax@Jabbit(EU) a Snowlopp (even a "thanks" via mail would make me very happy!)

If you are at Ikthia and want to help testing or get more in touch with the developer there is a circle "Needy Testers"


Will add some more options to select "misc" more specific. E.g. Selectiv need on Architect, Technologyst and cook Catalysators. 

Please let me know if there are other Categories which you would wish to be able to select selective.

Please keep reporting any Bugs which occur to you.

 Command List:

/needy - Opens Settings menu of needy

/needysetone - Sets Settings for first set

/needysettwo - Sets Setting for second set

/needyinform - Inform your group about your needy settings

/rolls - Shows total number of rolls needy did for you