

Hey guys


WBN is renamed to "N-WorldBossNotifier", this name is smaler.

The next update is ready in the Beta, you want to test it? no problem, send me a PM and join the "Beta Club" :)

NOW WITHOUT FACTION WALL (Crossfaction approved)


/wbn    <- open the N-WBN :)

What is this?
This Addon does both receive AND send worldboss-event notifications:
When you are at a worldboss Spot, you will (when you are using this addon only) notify other players who use it too about the current worldboss event's status.
As soon as one player's addon sends a notification, every other person who uses this addon will get the notification and the notification Button to the left of the screen or the smart info window will show up to inform you about the Worldboss event.
So brought to a point: This addon comes up with a notification to inform you about worldboss statuses. But in order to do this it need some one in a boss spot
Note 1: The more player using this addon, the better and more accurate it works.  
Further Features
* The addon also observes the "Nexus" channel for people writing something containing "join" (most people for example write "join me for scorchwing x/x"). As soon as the addon finds anything containing "join" it will display the name within the right box. You can hover the player's button to see the message he wrote and click it to automatically do a join. NOTE: This will currently only work for the german and the english game client! If you are french, please leave a comment and tell me the slash command you have to enter to join somebody's raid. I will then implement this so this will also work for a french client.
* When you received a "boss on cooldown" notification and all people who could send a notification leave the spot, the addon shows (by a red bar) that the event is "Out of Sync". It will calculate the rest time till the cooldown time is over then.
* Movable notification button that show the amount of current events
* As an alternative to the button you can use a smart window that directly shows information within a small frame (see the options of the addon)
* Configurable threshold of particles (when boss is in farming status) that should cause a visual and audio feedback
* Window guiding you to the boss spot (telling you which teleporter to use and where to go..)
* Automatically generated post to the Global Channel with boss status (for example: Scorchwing 13/75)
* Join Watch that lets you quick join the raids of other players
* readycheck and summon sound feedback (so you never miss the check when you are on desktop and got "sound in background" on)
* wilderrun teleporter overlay icons for KHG, MM and DS (Exile site)

* Now for all Factions the same Sync-Channel
Understanding the Addon (guided in a nutshell)
* The left box shows the events you got a notification about
* The right box shows people who wrote something containing "join" in the global chat. The people can be hovered (->show the message the wrote) or clicked (->instant join)
* a red button in the left box means: Event out of Sync which means you received a notification about this event but there is no one in place to keep the status of this event up to date for you.

 Know Issues:

 Honorably Owener: j05ch