Open House

Open House


Open House is a Wildstar addon that allows you to save your favorite houses, make notes on them, or if you're looking for inspiration, visit random public houses.

/oh - Bring up the Open House addon 
/ohadd - Adds current house to list.
/ohadd John Doe  - Adds player to favorites.
/ohadd John Doe, Dance Party and Crafting - Adds player to favorites along with a note. If the player already exists, the note is appended. The player and note must be separated by a comma.
/ohvisit John Doe - Visit the specified player's house.
/ohhome - Returns you to your home.


  • Save your favorite houses with property name and plug information
  • Save notes for each house
  • Visit random houses
  • Return Home
  • Adds an OH - save player button to the game context menu when right clicking on a player

*Note you can double click a grid row to visit the selected house.
*Note property names and plug information will not be populated until visiting that house.