


Current version: 4.10

The project is built on top of BijiPlates 3.0, and can be considered a direct fork. Acknowledgements to the original developer slowseer for an excellent base from which to work.

The addon name OptiPlates is a wordplay of both optimum (performance) and options, for high customizability. Current features include:

  • Show HP/Shield/Castbar/Shield recharge time (for the player)/Distance/Level etc. and choose which to show based on unit types
  • Many scaling options
  • Different combat opacity for friendly and hostile units (new!)
  • High performance (well, as high as it can be)
  • Two different styles (the same ones as in BijiPlates)
  • Color customization
  • High degree of customization on which units have their nameplates shown
  • Buff/Debuff/Cleanse alert display
  • Profiles support
  • And a lot more

The configuration screen can be opened with the command /optiplates, or by clicking on "Optiplates" in the Wildstar options menu. 


Macroing profile change to a hotkey:

Add the following into a new macro (you can open the macro interface with /macros), everything on one line:

/eval Apollo.GetAddon("OptiPlates"):ChangeProfile(GameLib.CodeEnumAddonSaveLevel.Account, "Healing profile");

GameLib.CodeEnumAddonSaveLevel.Account should be the scope (so if, for example, the profile scope is Character, it should be GameLib.CodeEnumAddonSaveLevel.Character)

"Healing profile" is the name of the profile. It is case-sensitive, so make sure the profile name is written exactly right and surrounded by double quotes.

Once you have created a macro, you can just drag it onto an action bar, and you can bind that to a hotkey.