


PetOMatic is a Wildstar Addon that makes the summoning of vanity pets easier. Designed to work like the mount button, it provides a button on the UI allowing you to select a pet from your unlocked vanity pets. Once selected, you can summon and dismiss the pet with the click of a button.

Please report all issues and submit enhancement requests on the PetOMatic CurseForge Project Issues page. This will help me keep track of the issues and their fixes. It will also provide a better way to track enchancement requests and their implementation plans.

When reporting issues, please include as many details as possible to describe when the error occurred. At a minimum, please include:

  • Addon Version
  • Did the error occur after a new install or after an update?
  • How was the error triggered?
  • What PetOMatic options were set?
  • The complete error message

Thank you!

Current Features

  • API 15
  • Autosummoning of pet after resurrecting from death. This may be toggled through the Options window or with the command /pom auto
    • Autosummoning can be suspended while in a Raid. This may be toggled through the Options window or with the command /pom raid
  • Ability to move the pet button. This may be toggled through the Options window or with the command /pom move
    • Option to reset button to default position. This may be toggled through the Options window or with the command /pom restore
  • Customize the number of pets displayed in the list at once. This may be toggled through the Options window or with the command /pom max [1-7]
  • Saves last selected pet on logout/reload ui
  • Configurable through an options window
    • Options window can be opened through the Interfaces menu or with the command /pom config
    • Corresponding slash command for each option; For a list of slash commands type /pom
  • List of pets automatically updates when new pet is unlocked
  • List of pets opens above button by default, but will move list below the button if the position of the button would cause the list to open past the top of the screen
  • The pet button may be hidden from the UI. This may be toggled through the Options window or with the command /pom hide
    • Option to hide the pet button only when in combat. This may be toggled through the Options window or with the command /pom chide
  • When a pet is selected from the pet list, it will automatically be summoned if another pet is currently summoned. 
    • If mounted, in a vehicle, or in a taxi, selected pet will be summoned once no longer mounted.
  • Random pet capability; Click the die on the button to summon a random pet. Can also be triggered with the command /pom random
  • Option to center button on screen. This should help users of ForgeUI find and reposition the button easier. Can also be triggered with the command /pom center
  • All PetOMatic options and saved data may be reset with the command /pom reset. USE WITH CAUTION