


[30.11.2015] Version 1.3.3 released with minor Bug fixes
QuestOverlist got smarter!
Since I started playing with drop 6 and got into addon development I worked on my other and newer addons nearly every day. I learned much about things you can do with UI extensions and for this addon (as my first) nearly got 500 downloads I decided to give it some kind of anniversary Update with some new features and code optimizations ;) 
See the change log at the bottom to see what changed!
Why this addon?
The standard QuestLog does not offer a flat an clean overview, does not display the quest/task levels correctly (so much for the german client), does not color quests/tasks by the level gap between quest and player and keeps closing categories / regions (which contain the quests & tasks) when you choose another to one display. That makes it really really hard to get an "overview" or even a clou about what is currently up.
The QuestTracker to the right of the screen may help a bit but is still no perfect overview in my opinion for it adds story-line titles etc which again destroys overview (its some kinda confusing when you got 3 or even more headlines and sections which lately contain a single quest). Further more it removes quests of other zones/regions as you move through the world of wildstar 
So that problem shall be solved by my really tiny Addon: It creates a colored overview of everything you got and lists it within a clean list
Just download the addon and extract it to your addons directory or use the curse client to install it.
That it! After this progress the QuestOverlist Window will come up with the Quest Log when you hit "L" (default binding for Quest Log)
* A left click displays the Quest detail within the Quest Log
* A right click brings up a small menu with these options:
 - Set active Quest: Same as if you left-click a quest in the Carbine QustTracker overlay on the right side. You will immediately be shown the arrow pointing you to the direction for this quest
 - Show details: Same a left click onto the quest / task
 - Show / Hide in tracker
 - Abandon
Please report any Bugs if you find some!
For being able to view Quest and Task details you need to have the standard carbine QuestLog Addon (which comes shipping with wildstar). QuestOverlist should also work without but wont be able to delegate clicks to the standard QuestLog if you got an replacement for the std QuestLog. For that reason I added the Standard QuestLog as dependency for QuestOverlist and it will fail loading if you got a replacement addon for the std carbine QuestLog. If you want to get the overview of QuestOverlist anyway: open the lua file and remove 


 in line 36.
* clean, simple and flat overview over quests and tasks
* colored list of tasks and quests with level
* keeps the standard Carbine QuestLog completely untouched! This is not an replacement addon.
* do what everything you want with the quests by right clicking them (for example abandon, track, hide from tracker... what ever)
* tiny footprint: the "real code part" of the addon has only round about 200 lines (there is some overhead due lua's init and declaration stuff... it could be much less if it could be broken down to the absolute essentials)

* This Addon does NOT replace the standard QuestLog! Quite the contrary: It extends it.
* You are welcome to suggest Quest Log replacement Addons you are using which should be supported by QuestOverlist! If some people think the same, I will implement QuestOverlist for other Quest Log addons!
23.10.2015 (1.0.0): First release
23.10.2015 (1.0.1): Seemly there was a failure with the default QuestLog dependency. Removed that dependency.
24.10.2015 (1.1.0): 
    - Frame Position is now saved - when you move it, it will stay where you drop it
    - The frame now opens up together with the questlog (when you hit L)
24.10.2015 (1.2.0): 
    - changed colors
    - added menu for more interactions (that can be reached with shift + double click)
       * trace / untrace toggle for the default quest-tracker
       * set current active quest
    - corrected typos
26.11.2015 (1.3.0):
  - coloring quests / tasks in the overview is now done according to the original carbine level difference coloring
  - the addon got smarter!
      * the window is now thinner and no more bloated
      * the window sticks to the questlog window when you move it
      * the QuestOverlist window closes along with the QuestLog 
      * the QOl window is now resizeable
      * I removed the treelist UI element which was listing quests and categories because this UI element is bugged and sometimes eats clicks. Further more elements in this list cannot be right clicked (therefor you had to shift click for the context menu in old versions) 
      * quests can now be abandoned directly from the context menu
      * the context menu can now be reached with a right click on the quest/task. No more shift clicking!
      * I removed the "refresh" button. QuestOverlist now observes if you cancel a quest and does a refresh it self
    - Changed the complete window look
27.11.2015 (1.3.3):
    - now quests on your level are better "highlighted"
    - the QOl-window should now perfectly align with the original Quest Log
    - previously only tracked quests were displayed. Now all are.
02.12.2015 (1.3.4): completed quests are now marked green