Show current queue activity for matches, like Dungeons and BGs. (High performance)
Note: This is a performance and usability accessory for Carbine's MatchMaker, and is a part of a series of bug-fixed, performance tuned, work-alike versions of Carbine and other popular AddOns. For many players, performance in WildStar is still a big issue, and can be especially apparent when real game-play or action starts. Current versions of many AddOns can take multiple milliseconds per-frame, per AddOn. My intent is to share what I use as a possible service to the WildStar community and authors. Authors or Carbine are welcome to reincorporate changes or ideas back into their AddOns, hoist the code verbatim into the original, or otherwise. Just let me know, and can even deprecate and link back to the original if necessary.
QueueView Commands:
/queueview - show main display
/queueview options - open or close the options window
/queueview optionsopen - open the options window
/queueview optionsclose - close the options window
/queueview join - open or close the join window
/queueview joinopen - open the join window
/queueview joinclose - close the join window
/queueview queue - queue with selected options
/queueview unqueue - leave the current queues
/queueview leave - leave the instance group
/queueview teleport - teleport to the match instance
/queueview disband - disband the instance group
/queueview reset - reset to defaults
/queueview reset [name] - reset to named preset
/queueview help - help message
AddOns in the series include:
- LastFive <- FinalFive
- PlayerBadger <- drScoreBadger
- StatView <- DPSStats
- NameView <- Carbine's Nameplates
- TargetView <- Carbine's MatchMaker
- BGChron
- CombatMeter <- VortexMeter
- QueueView <- Carbine's MatchMaker