


Since Launch, one minor detail has bugged me about Wildstar's Social System:  While you do get notifications whenever a friend comes online or goes offline, you do not get the same notifications for account friends. That had to change. And with this addon, it did change!

This addon is as simple as it gets. It gives you a notification when an account friend comes online, and another one when they go offline. There is no configuration, no commands, it just does what it should do, and uses next to no resources to do so, not impacting your performance at all.

Addon Developers: 

One thing I noticed while developing this was that, unlike for regular Friends, the Addon API does not offer a simple event to hook into when Account Friends come online or go offline either. So I've included two custom events to use in your addons, if you so desire:

SoeysFriends_AccountFriendOnline fires whenever an Account Friend comes online. The first parameter is a table with information about the Account Friend, the second a table with information about his current character.

SoeysFriends_AccountFriendOffline fires whenever an Account Friend comes online. The first parameter is a table with information about the Account Friend, the second a table with information about the character he last used.