


SoundCharge allow you to add a sound notification when a charge is gained. 

The simon game sound is used by default.

This is working with spells like soothe (Esper), illusionary Blades (Esper) or Charged Shot (Spellslinger)

  • SlashCommands
    • /schargeoff to turn off
    • /schargeon to turn on
    • /schargeconfig to show settings 
    • /schargehelp to show help

SoundCharge V1.0

what's new ?

  • SoundCharge allow you now to add a sound notification on every charge levels.
  • You can now pick a sound from a much larger list.

Important : If you have an older version of SoundCharge already installed, you can delete the folder named "ChargeSound" in your addon folder. (Default should be C:\Users\Your Username Here\AppData\Roaming\NCSOFT\WildStar\Addons\)

How to use a custom sound :

IMPORTANT : Before following these steps, know that all previous custom sounds will be erased. Be sure to save them outside SoundCharge folder if you don't want to lose them

  • How to add a custom sound notification :

    - Rename your sound file x.mp3 where x is the charge level you want to customize
    (also work with wav files)
    Example : If you have a sound file named kamehameha.mp3 and you want to play it
    when you are at 2 charge point,you need to rename it 2.mp3

    - Launch Houston located in your wildstar folder WildStar\Client64\Houston64.exe
    (64 bits version)

    - Go to File/Open/ (Ctrl+o)

    - Go to your addons folder and select SoundCharge
    The default location should be in C:\Users\Your Username Here\AppData\Roaming\NCSOFT\WildStar\addons\

    - Select toc.xml

    - Go to Includes/EditSounds and click on cancel

    - Click on 'Add' and open your sound file x.mp3

    - Click on 'Import' and you can close Houston without saving the addons

    - You can then go back to Wildstar and select 'Custom' from SoundCharge Settings.