


What is StarClock?

StarClock is a simple stopwatch with support for laps times, also displaying the local and server time for reference.

StarClock has two modes. In its default view StarClock will display all functionality including a list of laps, in minimal mode it will only display the current stopwatch time.

StarClock also has a ghost mode, this makes the window transparent.


StarClock can be operated via either the GUI or via commands using the slash command:

/starclock [command]


  • pause - pauses StarClock.
  • start or resume - starts StarClock.
  • toggle - toggles the state of StarClock from running to paused and vice-versa.
  • reset or stop - stops and resets StarClock, this does not clear lap times.
  • lap - stores the current StarClock time as a new lap time.
  • clear - clears all currently stored lap times.
  • ghost - toggles ghost mode, making the StarClock window transparent.

Still in development - please report any bugs or issues you encounter.