Don't get blind, free up your mind !
StarLiteUI is an ultra light UI for WildStar, allowing you to hide all elements when they are useless.
StarLiteUI is light on screen but it's light in memory too ! Counter to others Addons disabling Carbine Addons and recreating frames/events, StarLiteUI will update default UI elements when entering world and nothing after, so it will use no memory at all, making it really light.
- Most of artworks removed
- XpBar on top/middle screen, hidden by default, shown on mouse over
- Added buttons to hide/show chatlog/quest tracker/Datachron on demand
- PlayerFrame, ActionBars shown when in combat or on mouse over
- Menu list hidden by default, shown on mouse over
- Dodge ui can be moved (Edit Mode)
- Player & target frame can be resized (Edit Mode)
- /starliteui : Toggle EditMode
- /slui : Toggle EditMode
This addon is currently in beta, but if you like it, help me to improve it :)