


StarPanel is a Data Text display addon. Data Texts are little objects that display a bit of information to you such as XP, time, or coordinates. StarPanel is the same type of addon as the WoW addon Titan Panel. Although similar, StarPanel carves its own path with very unique features and functions. Check it out today!

Type /sp or click StarPanel on the escape menu to open the options.

The order of Data Texts can be changed by holding control and dragging.


  • Includes top and bottom bars doubling the amount of data you can display
  • The option to shift the bottom part of the HUD up to make room for the bottom bar
  • Drag and drop information to sort it the way you want it no need to mess with options
  • Right click menu to easily configure each Data Text
  • Users can easily make their own Data Texts with only limited knowledge of Lua

Current Data Texts

  • StarPanel Options

  • FPS

  • Time

  • Currency

  • Latency

  • Coordinates

  • Professions

  • Path

  • XP

  • Bags

  • Many more to come!



-Added CUI options support.

-Fixed QT bug.


-Fixed Currency nil error on startup.

-Fixed Bottom Bar options error.


-Added EP datatext.

-Better width calculation.

To Do

  • Show real latency option
  • Show current XP % option
  • Elder points weekly option (adding elder points support into xp)
  • BG ignore mouse
  • Money on other players in cash tooltip
  • Figure out what to do with top UI elements i.e. battleground stuff

I'm open to ideas for other Data Texts so make a comment if you have one!