


Stocktaker takes inventory of every character's items, and shows their amounts in the tooltip or a separate window with a search function!

My Addons:


  • New (v1.5b): Bank support! (just visit your bank with each character once to update the data)
  • New (v1.4b): Gathers now Currencies, shows item tooltips and shows more guild information
  • New (v1.3b): Gathers now more Character Informations, Dyes and Reputations
  • Information gathering from your characters items (Bags, Materials, Equipment, Costumes, Decor (Crate & Placed) and AMPs)
  • Information displayed via item tooltip or separate window (with a search function, which allows you to search for items in specific categories)
  • Money summary tooltip by hovering over your money (lower right corner)

Stocktaker Window
(See also: Screenshots)

Planned Features/Known Fails:

  • gather Bank items (if Carbine will supply a function)
  • refresh GuildBank Tooltips (they are pre generated)
  • AMPs (items) and AMPs (learned) have no matching IDs so it matches by the Spellname which is bullshit but the only way


  • To view item amounts hover over item (summary in tooltip)
  • To view money summary hover over your money (lower right corner)
  • To open the Stocktaker window use slash commands or click on your money (lower right corner)
  • To display items use categories and search function
  • To delete a no longer existing character use categories: 'Characters>All>None' and click the red X
  • To update Decor visit your House
  • To update GuildBank open GuildBank tab (you just need to open one tab not all!)
  • If you get a lua error at login, use /reloadui (this is only for this addons beta!!!)


Command Description
/st, /stocktaker Opens the Stocktaker window
/st rp, /stocktaker resetposition Resets the Stocktaker windows size and position