Surls Group Builder is an Autoinviter. This Addon can invite other Players by Invitecode. The Only Channel ist the Guild Channel for the Moment. In later Versions i will add further Features.
Features are:
- Invite Guildmates simlpy by an Invitecode.
- Templates, which u can save
- Auto Raid - Converting Group into Raid for you
- Free Editable Promo Text for your Group
- Security Lock for posting Messages in Guild Channel accidentally.
- Case Sensitive/Non Case Sensitvite Matching of Invitecode
- Nice Interface
Planned Features are:
- Roledependent invites
- More Settings and Possibilities in kind of using the Invitecode (More Channels)
- Timed Statusupdates written in Guildchannel ( so Guildmates should know simply for what u searching for)
- Bugfixes :D (its a Feature ... believe me)
The Slashcommand to start SGB is /sgrpinv