Team Cool Interrupt

Team Cool Interrupt


*note: This addon is still a work in progress an is right now in alpha testing. I put it up here in first place to test it out with guildies. But if you want to test it out as well be my guest 

This addon keeps track your how many interrupt spell you and your party members have.

Current features are
- Keep track of party members interrupt armor breaking counter
- Switch teams to split your party up for more effective interrupt ussage
- subscribes you to a "tciaddon" channel (create a new tab for this channel then you can deative it in your main chat tab)
- Buttons to toggle Debugging and Broadcasting ON/OFF
- Detect your interrupt spells on team detect
- Save data (broadcasting/debugging)

Future plans:
- Team ready signal (audio)
- Team interrupt signal (audio / visual tells you if interruptable or not)

- Team ready signal (visual)
- Team interrupt signal (visual)
- Interrupt bar (when enemy is casting) 

*Important: Team is a party addon. everyone in the party should have the addon otherwise it won't work. Once you have a party be sure all party members are in range. You can then press the "call" button to registrate your party members. From this point you can monitor their interrupts from everywhere.

If you like this addon or would like to suggest extra features place a comment below.