Telegraph Flasher

Telegraph Flasher


You must be in one of the custom colour presets for it to work, there is a dropdown in the wildstar combat options to change the preset, it only changes the Enemy NPC Harmful at present, so feel free to set all the rest to whatever colours you desire.

 Causes enemy npc telegraphs to flash different colours on a user based interval.

Use the /tfl slash command to bring up the option menu where you can change the delay that you wish to have (in ms, from 25 - 1000), you can also change the colours and the number used up to a maximum of 10 colours.

A combat check along with a start/stop and a default telegraph colour box for when it isn't flashing.

Also added set saving and loading, up to 5 sets can be saved(everything that is changeable through the UI is saved to each set), they can then be loaded through the ui itself or via chat commands so you can macro the sets if you wish to, the 5 commands are as follows;




