


'TheZone' get information about players in your zone in real time and more. You can see all players in your range (270 m maximum) start at your location.



  • Show Class / Level / Name / Range / Tag / Healer Role / In Combat / Tracking status / Health / Rival.
  • See players by color for Friend / Group / Guildmate / Your Faction / Faction Enemy / PvPflagged Faction Enemy / Dead status.
  • All enemy players in area are 'AutoTag' (with Red number and Green Cross for Confirmed Healer and Orange Cross for Top Healer in PVP Match area)
  • Popup Menu (right mouse click in player line) to set action in target.
  • Select target player if in range to get selected (left mouse click).
  • Tracking player with persistent arrow.
  • Tracking player with 'TrackMaster' if is installed (Thanks to Jamez226 the author)
  • Visible Count of total players in area (if enemy in zone the counter switch allways to Red colour).
  • Visible Enemy Count in Interface Button.
  • Hide/Show players list (with left mouse click in counter, toggle).
  • Set 'TheZone' in stand by mod for less CPU and Memory usage.
  • Quickly 'report bot' with target menu, for both faction, if addon not installed the option doesn't show (Thanks to Goldblum author of BGBot).
  • Set some colors and shape for TAG and status player list (use /tz option or ESC option panel to show 'General Option').
  • Localisation for FR/EN/DE.(Thanks to Sinaloit author of GeminiLocale Library)
  • Settings saved.

Real time options details see below..

  • Show only Enemy: Enabled you show only players Enemy, otherwise yous see both Faction.
  • Use 'TrackMaster': If is installed and enabled is used instead of persistant Arrow Tracking.
  • Show Health %: Show Health % for all players.
  • Disabled in City: If you enter in City 'TheZone' is disabled for less CPU usage, Enabled if you leave City.
  • Lock Window: Lock the movement of the window.
  • See Confirmed Healers: Add Cross in players list for all Confirmed Healers.
  • Hide/Show TAG: Hide or show TAG number and Healer TAG.



'TheZone' Interfaces Menu ..

'TheZone' Options menu ..

'TheZone' General Option ..

'TheZone' Popup menu..


'TheZone'  Healer Tag in Battleground ..




Download 'TheZone', unzip into your WildStar addons directory...



Why i do use this addon ?

You can use it only to see players in area (i see !! i'm not alone , not alone !!).
In PVE you want help for down a big mob, you can /w many players in your area or a specific class if you want ect..
In PVE/PVP you see your friend in combat he have problem with Mob/enemy faction you can run in direction to help him.

How to Show / Hide the window ? (toggle in standby mod, less CPU/Memory usage).

  • Use slash command /thezone
  • Use slash command /Thezone
  • Use slash command /tz
  • Use slash command /Tz
  • Click in 'TheZone' interface button.

How to call 'General Option' window ?

Use slash command /tz option or ESC (Wildstar option panel)

How to report Bot ?

  • You do Install BGBot AddOn first.
  • Select in 'TheZone' popup menu 'Report Bot', after you do see in chat system message the ticket has been sent (you will also receive a mail confirmation from Carbine support).

How to Show / Hide the players list ?

Use left mouse click in counter (toggle).

What information i can see ?

Class (logo), Level, Name, Faction (by color indicator), Tagged Faction enemy, range, In combat or not, Tracking status, Health %, Rival.

How to see if player are in combat ?

A red skull appear in the right of line.

I Can target player ?

If your range are < 127 m you can target player and set various action in. 
If your range are >127 m you cant use persistent target player but set various action in (/w, Group, add to friendlist ect..)

How to set action in player ?

You show players in area list, click in player line with the right mouse to see popup menu ans select the proper action you want.
The popup menu adjust the action at the player, all actions not supported for the selected target are hide ( you cant add to friendlist a enemy !!)

How to identify players faction or another.. ?

  • The name are White for your player faction.
  • The name are Orange for enemy faction.
  • The name are Red for PvPflagged enemy faction.
  • The name are Blue for player in you group/raid.
  • The name are Green for player in your friendlist.
  • The name are Purple for guildmate.
  • The name are Gray for dead player.

Tracking ?

You can track any player in the range, just select track with popup menu after you see a arrow, follow it. If you want stop the tracking reselect the player and set in the popup menu Track, this a on/off toggle or select another player to stop actuel tracking and start with the new player target.
To remember what your tracking, a small arrow appear in the right of the player name line.

If you activate 'Use TrackMaster' option 'TheZone' use it to draw a line to target.

How to work 'AutoTag' ?

All enemy players in area are 'AutoTag' (with Red number in Open World and PVP Match and  'Green Cross' for Confirmed Healer, 'Orange Cross' for Top Healer only in PVP Match for the moment). After a less time of fight 'TheZone' can set real Healer. For all players tagged you see the number assigned in the player line information, the red number tag is visible to 127 range. If Tagged player is no longer on the scope or stealthy, the tag is kept for 30 sec, after this period if it does not reappear will be reused for another player.



(Work in progress..)

  • Synchronize all TAG for players in same group..
  • Option to Show/hide TAG (less CPU and Memory usage)  END 23-08-2014 v1.3a
  • Add Rival icon in player list  END 23-08-2014 v1.3a
  • Add general customization for (TAG Font, color, Healer TAG sprite etc..)  END 23-08-2014 v1.3a
  • Add 'Perspective' addon  with Tracking player..
  • Add 'BGBot' addon to quickly report AFK Bot with target menu  END 23-08-2014 v1.3a
  • Add different color for health % at (25/50/100), if player is dead no % visible  END 23-08-2014 v1.3a
  • Add a resize window (auto or manual)  END 02-09-2014


Version 1.3.7a  UpAPI13 (22/8/2016)

  • Updated to API 13.
  • Use new "MatchingGameLib" functions.




Version 1.3.6a  WhatMiss(22/10/2015)

  • This version work with API 11, but this a Old Work version, just a preview for the next 'TheZone' coming soon, some code will be changed.

  • In state this addon work, may be some little BUG, you use it at your own risk.

  • No documentation, just try it.

  • BUG, Some init with control never exist anymore, solved.

Version 1.3.5a  OldWorkMiss(22/10/2015)

  • This version work with API 11, but this a Old Work version, just a preview for the next 'TheZone' coming soon, some code will be changed.
  • In state this addon work, may be some little BUG, you use it at your own risk.
  • No documentation, just try it.
  • BUG, bad sprite path, solved.

  • Version 1.3.4a  OldWork (22/10/2015)
    • This version work with API 11, but this a Old Work version, just a preview for the next 'TheZone' coming soon, some code will be changed.
    • In state this addon work, may be some little BUG, you use it at your own risk.
    • No documentation, just try it.

  • Version 1.3a  GO (1/09/2014)
    • Add option to hide/show all tag (cross healer/ numbers).
    • Add red cross in player list for rival.
    • Add 'report bot' in target menu, for both faction, if addon not installed the option doesn't show (Thanks to Goldblum author of BGBot).
    • Now if player is dead all color are grey in player list.
    • Add range color for health % at (25/50/100), if player is dead no % visible.
    • Add 'General Option' window, call them by slash command /tz option or use the option panel (ESC).
    • Add Option for 'Player Status Color' some colors of 'TheZone' in player list is now customizable.
    • Add Option for 'Healer TAG' some colors and shape of 'TAG' is now customizable.
    • Add ColoPicker to set colors (Thanks to Sinaloit author of GeminiColor).
    • Now ColoPicker appear always in right of 'General Option' window.

  • Version 1.2a  BadPath (22/08/2014)
    • Bad path for sprites, resolved..

  • Version 1.1a  Hlist (22/08/2014)
    • Added 'Add Rival' to target menu for both faction.
    • Player name >= 15 character are now truncated in player list.
    • Background opacity is removed, we use now previous background version.
    • After zoning if zone id is unknow we get error with 'disabled in city' option, problem resolved.
    • Add orange cross for top healer in player list, white cross for other healers.
    • If we click the interface 'Thezone' button (toggle show/hide), this the same thing of /tz command.
    • The Addon version is visible in interface tooltip button.
    • Now we adjust the minimum heal detection number with player level inside PVP match.
    • Updated to API 9.

  • Version 1.0a  MissZ (3/07/2014)
    • Missing code to init some arrays in PVP Match, resolved..


  • Version 0.9a  TopH (2/07/2014)
    • Now we see only confirmed healer tag, potential healer cross are removed.
    • Added opacity background, we can set with /tz setopacity (cycling).
    • Healer is confirmed after 10k heals.
    • Range is only show if we can get range, API restriction.
    • Added top enemy healer detection, add orange cross for him, you do focus him first.
    • Added new class icon, more minimalist.
    • Tag color number is white if is a top healer.


  • Version 0.8a  Cross (5/06/2014)
    • Now If 'TracKMaster' is selected for tracking , we no longer view the arrow..
    •  Added path information in popup menu..
    • Code révised for 'TrackMaster' usage.
    • Code révised for popup menu.. 
    • Picture of the 'Cross' TAG was changed.

  • Version 0.7a  NewBorn (4/06/2014)
    • New 'Healer detection' added,
    •  All potentials Healers have now a Gray Cross over the head, and get a Green Cross only if a confirmed Healer. 
    •  Added  six new options menu, toggle. This options hide if mouse not over..
    •  You can now use  'TrackMaster' with 'TheZone', just install it..(Thanks to  Jamez226  author of  'TrackMaster')
    • If we have enemy in area, the counter color change in Red.
    • Now you see allways enemy players in top list..
    • Added Localisation for FR/EN/DE.(Thanks to Sinaloit author of GeminiLocale Library)
    • Now All Players Occluded have no TAG visible..
    • Some code révised.. 

  • Version 0.6a  NoHTag (2/05/2014)
    • No longer use TAG for 'Healer', new API restrict enemy 'Inspect' (New détection coming Soon)..

  • Version 0.5a  Nui (18/04/2014)
    • Updated to API 8

  • Version 0.4a  IseeYou (10/02/2014)
    • With 'AutoTag' potential Healer are now a 'Green Cross' over head.
    • Add slash command option 'tagswitch(/tz tagswitch) to test 'AutoTag' with your own faction..(toggle, if you zone 'AutoTag' is reset to the default state, to tag opposite faction).
    • If you use /tz 'TheZone' standby, low memory usage and less call function in this mod.(toggle).
    • Code revised..


  • Version 0.3a  6Six (8/02/2014)
    • Updated for API 6..

  • Version 0.2a  RedTag (30/01/2014) 
    • Add new red color for PvPflagged players (Faction Enemy).
    • Add 'AutoTag' function to Tag (with number) all players Enemy in range. If Tagged player is no longer on the radar, the tag is kept for 30 sec, after this period will be reused for another player.
    • Window anchor are now saved..
    • Added slash command for Show/Hide (toggle).

  • Version 0.1a  (07/12/2013) 
    • Show Class / Level / Name / Range / (Status In Combat and Tracking) .
    • See players by color for (Friend / Group / Your Faction / Faction Enemy)
    • View status In Combat or Not.
    • Popup Menu (right mouse click in player line) to set action in target.
    • Select target player if in range to get selected (left mouse click).
    • Tracking player with persistent arrow.
    • Visible count of total players in area.
    • Hide/Show players list (with left mouse click in counter, toggle).