- Adds a "Visit Neighbor" item to the social right click menu. If the target is not a neighbor, a neighbor invite will be sent.
- Use /rogers to open the UI - it should also open automatically when you zone into the housing system. This option can be disabled in the UI.
- The UI will cycle through your current neighbors, giving you the option to shuffle forward and back through your neighbor list and visit or remove neighbors. Names are color-coded based on online/offline status, and there are additional information for people running up-to date versions. This takes a lot of the headache out of harvesting your friend's nodes!
- Slide open with the + button to show the expanded UI.
- Choose a share ratio and click Set Ratio to set your Share Ratio.
- Check the Auto accept neighbor invites option to have this addon automatically accept neighbor invites. The invites won't even show up on your screen! You will receive a chat notification when the addon accepts an invite.
- Enable Decline invites not matching grid filters to reject neighbor invites which do not match your filter settings.
- This addon uses a hidden channel to communicate with other players using it. It communicates your resource sharing ratio, node type, node level, harvest tradeskills, faction, and harvest node remaining time before repair to others. Now, when someone claims you have your ratio set to 100% to owner, you can say "Check WillYouBeMyNeighbor, it'll confirm I'm set 50/50."
- In the Grid display to the right, the addon displays everyone it's received communications for who are running the latest version of the addon.
- Use the Grid filter options to limit who is displayed in the Grid based on node type, share ratio, and node level. People with known expired harvest nodes are filtered out by default. Then click Add all players displayed in grid to send an invites to everyone based on your filter settings.
I wrote this because I run several 50/50 harvesting circles on Widow (My in-game name is Goldblum on Dominion side). I run the "Fair Deal" housing circles, one for each of the resource nodes.
Use the donate button to buy me a beer if my addon helps you rake in enough cash to buy some CREDD!