


What is WiWiBar ?

Was it Worth it Bar is for people that like to farm and know what they are actually looting. It displays statistics about the amount of credits/xp/renown/items that you earned during a farming session. It also provide a window that show items looted during the session, and you can select some of them to create new tracking tab on top of the screen.

Informations displayed

Credits per hour
Credits looted
Credits you will earn frum junk item sale
Credits spent
Total of credits gained this session
xp per hour
xp total gained this session
xp needed to next level
time before level up
mobs needed before level up
Renown and Items
per hour
total earned this session

How to use it ?

Open the loot window : /wiwi

Once you've looted an item, you can select it from the window "Loots" and press "Track", this will add a tab in top of your screen that display the items/hour and total.
You can select the value you want to see on the top of the tab, by clicking on it.
To have a tab always unfolded, check the little blue point on the top left of it.
You can hide the blue bar via the settings window ( /wiwi )
If you moved tabs, you can also reset their position in the settings window.

What will be improved ?

I plan to save the sessions data to be able to compare differents sessions.

Display more data (if you have any suggestion).

Visual settings.

Maybe start automatically a session when entering a dungeon, and display the result at the end.

Thank you for trying this addon, if you have any questions/suggestions/bug report, feel free to ask here on curse, or directly IG (Tyrah, server Eko, EU)

Have a nice farm