Elkano's XVM Config


My personal config for XVM using WoW's rarity colors for skill rating and number of games played.
(I know, I should add some screenshots...)

XVM can be downloaded from http://www.modxvm.com/en/download-xvm/
Custom contour icons will be loaded from res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\contour\


Rating and # Games

ColorXWN-RatingGlobal GamesTank Games
#646464< 17
(worst 20% of players)
#9D9D9D< 30
(better than 20% of players)
< 1k< 50
(better than 50% of players)
< 2k< 100
#1EFF00< 44
(better than 65% of players)
< 5k< 250
#0070DD< 53
(better than 80% of players)
< 10k< 500
#A335EE< 76
(better than 90% of players)
< 25k< 1000
#FF8000< 93
(better than 99% of players)
< 50k< 2500
#E6CC80< XX
(better than 99.9% of players)
> 50k> 2500

Win Rate

- 4041 - 4243 - 4445 - 4647 - 4849 - 5051 - 5253 - 5455 - 5657 - 5859 +