Grandpa's KISS Interface (XVM)

Grandpa's KISS Interface (XVM)



Please review this page for changes between versions Grandpa's XVM Editions

This is ONLY the XVM version, not Grandpa's KISS Battle Interface (AIO) to get the All-in-One, please go here Grandpa's KISS AIOs

Most curent download KISS XVM

KISS XVM Configuration with Standard and Enhanced


  • After download, copy the res_mods directory in the archive to your World of Tanks game folder. Or to do it manually, copy the following from the res_mods archive folder to the appropriate folder in res_mods in your game directory.  There are three sub-directories in res_mods.
    • x.x.x where x.x.x is the game version
    • configs = xvm configurations, KISS configurations are in configs/xvm/arasgrandpa
    • mods = xvm applications and resource files, including docs
  • Go to XVMMOD.COM and activate statistics
  • Set in game Feedback settngs to:
  • Using latest XVM Client, fully customizable in the via XVM
  • Custom Over Target Markers (OTM) via XVM, stock markers can be used
  • Custom minimap via XVM configuration
  • Battle Loading Background Screens included
  • Custom vehicle contour icons, other icons can be used
  • MyHitLog show the hits you make on the enemy
  • Custom damage panel and hit log shows the hits you have taken and damage to components
  • Capture Flag indicator
  • Custom ammo, artifact, and crew icons
  • Custom tank icons in the hangar
Battle Loading Screen with the Battle Loading Background Mod
  • Global battles = total number of player battles
  • Global efficiency (Win8) rating
  • Global win rating
  • Vehicle Battles = number of battles in that vehicle
  • Vehicle Win Rate %
Battle Loading Screen Notes
  • Vehicle color depends on vehicle win rate
  • Global battles = total number of player battles
  • Global XVM Modification of the Win8 efficiency rating
  • Global win rating
  • Normal font for global stats, condensed font for vehicle stats
XVM Win Info This is a reference chart for the different colors found on the ratings scales for both Standard and Enhanced.
Win rate WN8 Rating
Under 46% Under 300
46% 300 to 449
47% 450 to 649
48% to 49% 650 to 899
50% to 51% 900 to 1199
52% to 53% 1200 to 1599
54% to 55% 1600 to 1999
56% to 59% 2000 to 2449
60% to 64% 2450 to 2899
65% and Above 2900 and Above
Color Keys
Below Average
Above Average
Very Good
Super Unicum
x_scale Minimap Circle Colors White=50m marker can see everything Turquoise=tank visual range Red=Max visual range (445m) Green=Artillery top gun range (if full map range, no circle) Minimap Line White=tank direction Red=camera or target line Green=Gun traverse limits [su_spoiler title="Details and Screenshots" style="fancy"]

KISS Features for Both Versions

Over Target Markers (OTM)

otm NOTE: In ALT version rating star color is based on vehicle eff rating

Using XVM and P-MOD (AIO) here are the Garage Features

hangar shot_046 shot_026 shot_025

Players Panel

playerspanel   med_pp

Minimap Features

minimap lost_minimap alt_minimap_std std_rating

Battle Loading Screen

battleloading battleloading battle_loading

Hit Log

hitlog [/su_spoiler]

Helpful Links


I make, modify, compile, these mods for my own personal in game use. They change the game interface to look like I want it to look. I place them here for others to download and use if they so desire.

They are NOT "one size fits all" and will not please everyone. If you like them use them, if not, delete them.

You are free to customize or modify any of them, its your interface make it like you want. But DO NOT ask me to customize them specifically for you, or ask for details on how to customize them. If you are familiar with mods and xml, you can probably figure it out. I will attempt to correct bugfixes in the mods, as soon as practical.