Hawg Pack Max Xvm

Hawg Pack Max Xvm


Hawg's Discord Tech Help, Mod News, Bonus Codes , Wot Chat

Hawg Pack 

Is a unique mod ,that combines Hawg's REBIRTH Xvm with 40 of Hawg's Own favorite mods that Hawg has made. 

If you every wondered what mods I use ,now you can find out

HawgPack is straight from my game files the same config as Hawg plays from.

HawgPack will be only available CruseForge 

Every mod complies with Wargaming Fair Play Policy

This Pack Is right from Hawg's Game Folder

NOTE (some setting are different from REBIRTH default )

All the mods been link to the Xvm to run cohesive together as one XVM mod . Tons of hours has went into making the mod. Like most of Hawg's mods are made to remove information overload from battle, this mod is the king of all of Hawg's mods .This mod well improve your game play for sure! Everything  that's is added for battle ,is to give you less Obstruction in battle to help you  focus on the Important things + ....the Battle..The garage has a few Improvements as well .  

This mod may not be for everyone,if you like to see Reindeers , Flying Monkeys or  Unicorns  in battle , this mod isn't for you.

Easy to install..

 Some Mods are not Shown Below




Focusing on customizing your experience to your preference

 It will help produce your best results on the battle field

Discord BootCamp  


304 MODS IN 1

REBIRTH Functions


1  Teams HP                                                    

2  Tank Hp                                                     

3  WN8 Mark                                                  

4  Tank Distance  

Target  Base Reload Time  

6  Aim Count 

Armor Thickness Indicator  

Green   Pen  

Yellow  Might Pen

Red No Pen


11 Alt ScoreBoards

1   Tank Battles                                  

2   Win %   Name 

  Tank Nation Flag  

4   Hull Armor

5   Alt  HP OTM 


Draw Direction Arrow 

Must turn on XMQP  

Tanks Top Speed                                                                                                 

Damage Log

Minimap Hp circle  


 Kill  Cross Informer   

 Arty Minimap Sights  


Daily Battle Log                                             

Auto Aim Informer 


Rating Colors  

 Change Colors   in  REBIRTH 

Border Color                                                                  

Tank Outline 

 Can Change 28 Colors   in REBIRTH

Battle Wn8   


Player Panel

6th sense  10 sec  Count Down   

Team  6th Sense 

Must turn on XMQP  Main Xvm Web

SAFE SHOT -Dead Shot Block


Self Gun Sights                               

1  Reload Time                                                                                                 

2  Depression Bar                                                                                            

3  Tank Angle                                                                                                    

4  Reload Bar                                                                                                    

5  Shell                                                                                                              



6  Range  

7  Players Name & Tank   

8  Tank Vision    

Base Reload Time 

10  Aim Count      

11 Shell Flight Time   

12  Armor Thickness                                                                                                   


Arty Gunsight                                   

1  Aim Count   

2  Flight Time 

3  Range  

4  Shell  

5  Flight Speed   

 Arty Splash    HotKey ( B ) 

Change  Gun Sights  28 Colors   

HP BAR                        


Hawgs Tactical  Hotkey (M)                    

Clan War Map Builder 


A Tool to build Tactical Maps, for Your Clan to View in Battle and Prepare for ClanWars
Clan War Maps

6 ALt Players panel Hp Bar                  

Twitch Mods ( can be turn on in REBIRTH )

Battle Messages 

Default is Off on all , turn on in REBIRTH 

Hit By Arty

I Am Spotted

Team Damage

 Tanks Nation Flag  Battle Loading *


Personal Reserve    

  Informative Carousel 


Daily Battle Log                                                  

Self Stats              Tanks Stats 

Nation Flags



11 Alt  Clocks Change in   REBIRTH