Hawg's Tactical  Arty MiniMap's

Hawg's Tactical Arty MiniMap's


" Hawg's  Arty  Tactical Minimap's ". Some of the top WOT Clans  DONT want you to see or have this Most good  players use the minimap as a major tool in battle .So I  took  from these web sites "Maps Tactics" & "Guru maps" and other Discrete web sites. They show the best place to set up in Arty. I mark the spots on the minimap where Arty is Most Likely to set up. It shows the best strategic place for arty to set up. You can use this for "Counter Battery" or  You can set up your Arty in these spots. The arty icons are not to bold, just enough to see them on the minimap. This mod is great for Clan Wars ! Easy to install.


map 2

This minimap will work together with " Hawgs  MiniMap "mods also.

Link to Hawg's Minimap Mod   >

Hawg's Minimap Map Mod

Complies with WOT Fair Play Policy

This Xvm Complies to all the Fair Play Policy Rules


HawgPedia 2.0

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