LordFelix contour tech tree and garage icons

LordFelix contour tech tree and garage icons


Iconset mod which provides an easy way to recognize a tank class by color and class icon.

  • Heavies: dark grey
  • Mediums: light yellow
  • Lights: light Green
  • TDs: blue
  • SPGs: red
  • Unknown/observer: fucsia

In the Tech Tree and Garage icons, the 3d image is also colored gold for Premium tanks and fucsia for Special tanks (such as those awarded in Clan Wars Campaigns, or former Premium tanks no longer on sale)


Copy the "gui" folder to the "World_of_Tanks\res_mods\<Current game version>" directory

---- CREDITS ----

Created by LordFelix (World of Tanks EU server), being GodFelix (Curseforge) my alternative nick for when LordFelix is taken somewhere.

Inspired by Artasan (meds color) and J1mB0 (lights color)

Special thanks to Romkyns, which made the program (Tank Icon Maker) used for the creation of this mod.