VoiceOver-Spooky Latin (Halloween 2017)

VoiceOver-Spooky Latin (Halloween 2017)


this mod is using the ingame WoT published files during their Halloween 2017 event "stop the leviathan" 

i isolated WG's ingame modded files from the event's res folder & provided them here...

thus for the player's enjoyment we can now place these files in the res_mods folder at any time for the spooky latin voiceover sound in our battles or remove these files to reinstate normal daily voiceover sounds.

- no permanent changes here, all functions are achieved thru res-mods only 

tested for three weeks on all current maps (Nov 2017) using replays

 and played live in random for three days (approx. 30 battles) 

 tested, working & now made public


1) unzip in current version of "res_mods\0.9.22.X.X"

2) enjoy