WoW style XVM

WoW style XVM


This is a full XVM configuration designed to make efficiency colors WoW alike. Player efficiency will be colored with the World of Warcraft's default quality (rarity) ratings, like below:

NOTE: After you install this mod,you MUST go to XVMMOD.COM, sign in and then select Activate Statistics to see any player statistics. If you have already done this, disregard


Originally developed by LrdStudio, due to real life obligations was no longer able to keep it updated on a timely basis. He requested and I agreed to assume author responsibility. I will keep it current with the latest XVM changes and only make configuration changes based on community demand. Arasgrandpa

See change log for latest features and information


Alternate Views:

Press the ALT key to get:

  • Alternate Minimap View
  • Extended OTM
  • Enemy HP Remaining in Hitlog
  • Players Panel in Mdium View

Press BACKSPACE to get: Minimap Zoom view (moved from CTRL)

Press ALT+BACKSPACE to get Alternate Minimap Zoom

Alternate Minimap shows vehicle, player rating (vehicle win% color), tier, lost vehicle, and dead vehicles

Alternate Minmap View

WoW like XVM overview


  • Now includes current XVM files
  • Download WoW style XVM from this page.
  • Extract all downloaded files into the game folder. (Merge the res_mods folder from the zip file to your World of Tanks folder.)
  • Run the game as usual.

To use Alternative_Settings

In res_mods/configs/xvm/Alternative_Settings choose the option you want and move the file inside that folder to res_mos/configs/xvm/WoW

Settings are:

  • hitlog_bottom - moves the hitlog to the bottom of the screen beside damage panel
  • no_hitlog - turns the hitlog off
  • carousel_1_row - restores carousel to single row (game default)


Please comment about your opinions, what would like to see or don't want to see in future releases?