This will modify your IS-6 (Object 252) to look like the Defender (Object 252K)
//" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">" rel="lightbox[2051]"> //" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">" rel="lightbox[2051]"> //" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">" rel="lightbox[2051]">
- Simple method: Copy/Move the <vehicle name>.wotmod file from the archive (zip) to the World of Tanks/mods/x.x.x folder, where x.x.x is current game version
- Better method: Create a folder in the World of Tanks/mods/x.x.x folder, where x.x.x is current game version, named vehicles. Then move the <vehicle name>.wotmod file from the archive (zip) into the that vehicles folder. This keeps things a little more organized.