Alternate Artifact Appearance Achievement Tracker

Alternate Artifact Appearance Achievement Tracker


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Alternate Artifact Appearance Achievement Tracker or A4T for short, is an addon that visually lets you see and track progress on the hidden achievements you need to complete to unlock hidden appearance recolours.

The addon has hideable visual bars for Dungeons, World Quests, and Player Kills. You can enable mouseover and transparency, as well as resize the entire frame.

There is a simple list of slash commands that you can use as well to bring up additional information.

all slash commands start with /A4T

  • toggle - to display or hide the tracking frame
  • lock - to toggle lock of the frame in place
  • reset - to reset the addon
  • options - to open to the option pane
  • info - to display the current addon build info
  • update - to force an update of addon if you think info is not correct