


The easiest addon for making lots and lots of WoW gold from the auction house, with all main options being held on one simple to use screen.

Newly added - has the option to read the whole AH on those servers with more than 42000 items.

Version 3.00 is now available for downloading. Please note, if you are upgrading from version 2.15 or earlier, you will need to delete the datafiles from C:\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\'your account name'\Saved Variables\Abigail.lua. Users upgrading from versions 2.40, 2.35, 2.31, 2.21 or 2.20 will not have to do this.

Scan the auction house, either in one go or page-by-page and search for items being sold below their normal price. Search for items by either buyout or bid prices, and even check your active auctions for any that are being undercut by other auctions, letting you cancel and re-auction them.

Compare auctions against price history records, or select the 'Current Items' option to just compare auctions against other current auctions.

Buy these items and re-auction them on the selling screen, with bid and buyout prices being automatically suggested from your previous buying and selling history. Adjust these suggested prices using simple sliders, or select the 'undercut' option to automatically undercut all other existing auctions for this item.

Search for all auctionable items in your bags and see which items are not being auctioned by anyone else, allowing you to corner the market. Sell items as either a full stack, or break it down into individual items.

Adds new information to the tooltip for each item, showing the prices you have bought and sold items for, along with their current average price, a ratio showing your auction selling success rate and the number of days since your bought/sold this item.

The Shopping List screen lets you create a shopping list of favourite items that have provided a good profit in the past, letting you quickly search for just these items if they are being sold for less than a easily user set price.

Protect items in your bags from being listed on the selling screen, so you cannot accidentally put them up for auction.

Updated for 6.10 and has six user-defined configurations, letting you create upto six sets of search options which can be reloaded with a simple mouse-click, without having to remember and manually change the settings each time. A 'Simple Profit' option also exists to speed-up the auctioning process, letting you just double the money you bought the item for.

Abigail keeps separate prices for each realm you play on, and even separates Horde and Alliance prices.

The Adjustment screen deals with those silly priced items that crop up every now and then, and a new Delete screen lets you remove a whole set of price historys for a realm / faction.

Shows a record of how much you have spent at the auction house, and how much you have earned through your auctions, with a total profit/loss figure also given.

Since 2.20 includes a Mailbox facility, which when opening the inbox of the mailbox will show a new screen. This shows your (upto) 5 bags, their description and the number of free slots. Also are four buttons that allow you to quickly take all cash earned from the AH, all auctions you have won, and returned items that failed to sell and everything else, with just a simple button click.

Designed to work as a stand-alone addon, Abigail has been adapted so that it can (if you so wish) automatically work alongside Auctionator.

A simple to use addon that is a powerful tool without getting bogged-down in studying market trends. All Abigail pages have help messages, reminding you how to use Abigal, without having to keep refering to instruction manuals.

Full instructions are included in the downloaded folder, with hints and tips to get the gold rolling in. The Abigail website can be found at: www.abigail.webeden.co.uk