Ability Macro Manager

Ability Macro Manager


Ability Macro Manager

Easily configure abilities to work as macros that can be setup to automatically target pre-defined players, or set up easily before starting an encounter or dungeon.

Getting Started

Install the add-on and use /amm to open the Options panel to configure your abilities!

All abilities added using the options panel will have a corresponding Macro created. Access the Macro-menu to find the relevant macro and drag it to your action bar to keybind it. All macros are named "AMM_<spellID>".


  • Quickly define macros for helpful abilities
  • Define pre-defined targets for your macros
  • Configure macro target easily through the UI display
  • Easily see who your abilities are targeting - and if they are in range!

Slash Commands

The addon provides only a few slash commands, as most configuration is done through the Options panel.

  • /amm Open the add-on configuration panel
  • /amm reset Resets the UI position to the center of the screen. Useful if the display has somehow gone off-screen.
  • /amm toggle Toggles the UI display on and off, in case you do not wish to use it.