Track every buff on you that absorbs damage such as Powerword:Shield, Sacred Shield and many more.
Summarize all absorb amount to one value.
Display the absorb amount as a dynamic progression bar similar to healthbar.
Use /absorber with the following commands:
- help - Showing the help
- config - Opens the options
- lock - Locks the bar
- unlock - Unlocks the bar
- show - Makes the bar visible
- hide - Makes the bar invisible
- reset - Resets all value to default settings
Supported Buffs
- Guard
- Life Cocoon
- Sacred Shield
- Avenger's Reprieve
- Illuminated Healing
- Divine Aegis
- Powerword: Shield
- Clarity of Will
- Spirit Shell
- Shield Barrier
- Ice Barrier
- Anti-Magic Shell
- Blood Shield
- Etheralus
Add Buffs
You can add Buffs that are missing on your own using the SpellID. Make sure you use the correct SpellID. (the BuffID not necessarily the SpellID, cause sometimes SpellID and BuffID are different.)
Make sure you only use Buffs with Absorbamount. I am not sure what will happen if you use other Buffs.
Nice to know
I am still working on new features like textures, fonts, new buffs and a lot more.
Request a feature or something and if it fits to the addon the chance is high it will be released in the next update! :D