Ace Mobs 2 Level 2 [AceM2L2]



Ace Mobs to Level 2

Author:     instant
Version:    1.5
GameVer.:   Dragons

This addon will tell you how many of the current target you will need
to kill before you will level up.

This will be displayed in the chat window in the format.

"15 Blind Buearocrats needed for next level"

It will also tell you how many more mobs or handins/quests you have to do
(with current reward) to reach exalted reputation.

This will be displayed in the format:

"[23463] to go with [Darnassus"] = [502] repeats (kills/quests)"



- Lets you know how many more mobs you need to grind before you can level up.

- install and enable, it should automatically spam your chat whenever you kill a
  xp rewarding mob or a rep rewarding quest/mob.


-- Adding customization features from ins:Mobs2Level (for Elders Scroll)
-- Let you toggle features on/off
-- Fix a bug with some reputation factions.


[2023-01-15] v1.5 - Updated for Dragonflight, Rewrote Rep-feature to work with Renown
[2018-08-14] v1.4 - Updated for BfA.
[2016-09-13] v1.3 - Updated for Legion
[2014-10-21] v1.2 - Updated for 6.0 - WOD Fun time! (Fixed bug with Guild Rep)