


"/aaura" For the options menu

"/aaura reset" For full addon reset

Very lightweight: Add timers for target's buffs and debuffs to the action bars

Option to program and select spells DIRECTLY from your action bars, no spell book needed! 


  • Translations:

If the Aura name does not match the name of the spell that cast it, you can connect them

Create a translation, if you want an Aura timer to show on any random spell button(even if the aura and spell are unrelated)

  • Overrides:

If a spell does not show up correctly as a buff or debuff, you can override it to show how you want.

  • Targeting

Checks for a mouseover target, then Target, then Focus, and finally player.

Disable specific units from the tracking list.(global option, not per spell)

  • Buffs and debuffs are tracked separately. So you can watch an enemy debuff, while monitoring your own healing buff.
  • Spell Specific Settings: Individualized controls per spell

~Highlights each spell on your action bar, while they are being programmed.

~Priority for flashes

1: Health below specified amount

2: Aura/Spell expire time

3: Aura Missing

4: Aura Present

5: Spell is Castable/ Not on cooldown, or Aura is not present

6: Aura/Spell Stack Count

  • If you need help understanding the options, just hit the "Help" button at the top right of the Options menu.